Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ramblings from Someone Confined to Bed

Hubby and his dad. Kev's Dad is turning 68 this weekend and since we wont be around to celebrate with the family we met him for lunch earlier this week. It was a really nice time and I heard the two of them both say the "L" word to each other. This doesnt happen often and it really warmed my heart. Lunch was very yummy (the best butternut squash soup I have ever had) but within 12 hours I was not feeling very good! Im the only one that felt sick so I guess it's not food poisoning.That was two days ago and since then I have barely left my bedroom. I have missed two days of work and Im starting to go stir crazy. I must admit I did have about 2 hours of feeling good and went with Enza to get a pedicure. That was probably a mistake. Im half finished the poncho Im knitting for MJ and wanted to start the felted bag Im going to make for me, but didnt have the concentration to start it. So I'm knitting a very simple felted pillow that I might add three felted flowers to. I have not even been reading more than a couple pages at a time and find myself staring at the television but not really paying attention. Hubby leaves tomorrow for Las Vegas and my girlie is coming home (from University) on Saturday until Tuesday. It will be just a girls weekend as both of the boys are not coming home this weekend. Well, I guess its back to bed for now. Hopefully work tomorrow!!

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